Saturday 4 February 2012

New Start

I haven't posted in over a year !! I am very bad at the whole blogging malarkey lol
But this is a new year and I am going to attempt it... again lol.

New Years Resolutions for this year are;

  •  to stop biting my nails
  • do more exercise/eat healthier
I think I managed ok at last years. I no longer watch Eastender's and I have cut down on TV. Particularly when I am staying at Uni as I don't have TV there.
So far this years aren't going too bad either. I am managing not to bite my nails and I am already loosing weight. The exercise will be easier once I am back in Stirling.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Books! Books! Books!

I think I may need to overcome my emotional attachment to books.
Looking at mine and deciding what ones I want to take to Uni. I am at 62. That is maybe a bit too much but I just love my books too much. My room would be empty and wrong without a good supply of books but I will need to be able to home my addiction.
I could try and read some of the ones I haven't before I go so that I don't have to take them, but not sure that will happen. However I did read two books yesterday so its not totally impossible. I was a good day, I miss reading when I don't do it but I seem to go for weeks before I get a good page turner. They are always worth the wait though :D

Monday 3 January 2011

New Year

New Year, traditionally time for a new start or a new you. 
This year my resolutions are simple;
  • Watch less TV 
  • Stop watching Eastenders
  • Exercise more
I think it will be easy to not watch Eastenders but watching less TV will be more difficult. However, when I go to  Uni both will be easier as there will be lots of opportunities to exercise more with all the facilities and I wont have a TV in my room. In the long term they will be good for me and I will feel better for having achieved them. So far I have managed not to watch Eastenders but I haven't exercised at all and watched a lot of TV. I am going to put it down to the holidays though and I'll start properly when I go back so school. 

Monday 27 December 2010


Christmas is my favourite time of year :)
Christmas is the one day of the year when I get to see all of my family, everyone is happy and it is just a lot of fun.This year was particularly special as I got to have my Christmas dinner at my grandparents with all of that side of the family. It was mental but it was us and I loved every minute.
I also enjoy my boxing day dinner at my mum's best friends. They are part of our family in my opinion and we all get along well and enjoy a great dinner. One of the best things is my boyfriend gets to come along which I love as it shows he is accepted. Her youngest son is also only 4 which is great fun as he still believes in the magic that is Christmas and Santa. This year we played with table football and with a jack in the box its memories I never want to forget.
The sales are also a great part of Christmas as I have now finally got the dress I love from Joe Browns reduced from £50 to £20. That is the bargain I have been waiting for.

Thursday 23 December 2010


Just accepted my place at university.
I'm excited but also a little nervous. Part of me wonders what I would have got from the other universities but then it doesn't really matter and now someone else can get the places.
I can't believe I have actually done it.
I've gotten into uni !!

Sunday 12 December 2010

12 Days Before Christmas

Usually, we are quite traditional when it comes to putting up the Christmas tree and decorations we are quite traditional and do it twelve days before Christmas. I remind my mum of this yesterday and she made the impulse decision to do it today while we were at home.
It always makes me excited when we put the decorations up, I get the rush and feel all giddy. Mum always puts up on the Christmas CD and we all help do our bit, Mum and I do decorations around the house while dad and my sister put the tree up and put lights on. Then the tree gets decorated. My favourite decoration is a frosted class polar bear with three glass ice cubes, we put it behind a blue light on the tree and it looks really frosty and amazing.
Every year we always look back at the tree and admire it. It looks cheerful with all the colours and all the decorations have a story behind them. I don't like the tree's that have a theme, like white or blue. The seem to plain and posh. Our Christmas tree will be a memory I hope I always have because it is full of history and happy memories.

Saturday 11 December 2010


I just got my first acceptance for Uni, an unconditional to the place and course I want !!
I am soo excited
I thought  I was going to have to wait months to find out but now the weight is gone because I know what I am doing next year.
I cannot stop smiling :D :D :D
All this years stress doesn't matter any more, I can relax and enjoy it.
Soo Happy :D